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“Measurement Method for Anti-Isostatic Strength (Pneumatic Pressure Method) of Hollow Glass Microspheres” has been approved, in which Zhongke Huaxing is participation in the formulation.

发布:zk-hx 浏览:2345次

Recently, the industry standard “Measurement Method for Anti-Isostatic Strength (Pneumatic Pressure Method) of Hollow Glass Microspheres” jointly drafted by the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zhongke Huaxing New Materials Co., Ltd. was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. No. JC/T 2285-2014, will be implemented on June 1, 2015.

This standard specifies the terms and definitions for the determination of the isostatic compressive strength of hollow glass microspheres by atmospheric pressure, the test principles, test conditions, instruments and equipment, sampling, operation steps, results representation and test reports. This standard is suitable for measuring the isostatic compressive strength of inorganic powder hollow beads with spherical shape and diameter less than 1000 μ m.

At present, it is used to measure the strength of hollow glass microspheres under isostatic pressure, such as water (solvent) pressure method, air pressure method and so on. The static compressive strength of hollow glass microspheres measured by these methods is different in numerical value, which results in the disunity of the performance index of the product. Therefore, a uniform standard is needed to measure the strength of hollow glass microspheres. Compared with the present testing methods, when the water pressure method is used to measure the strength of hollow glass microspheres under constant static pressure, the strength of hollow glass microspheres is lower because of the corrosive effect of water on some spherical shell components under high pressure. The pressure method using high pressure inert gas as pressure medium has no disadvantage, and the strength value measured in a certain pressure range is closer to the true value. Therefore, the air pressure method is used to determine the static strength of hollow glass microspheres.

Standard encdoing

Standard name

Standard main content

Implementation date

JC/T 2285-2014

Measurement Method for Anti-Isostatic Strength (Pneumatic Pressure Method) of Hollow Glass Microspheres This standard specifies the terms and definitions, test principles, test conditions, instruments and equipment, sampling, operation procedures, results presentation and test reports for the determination method of isostatic compressive strength of hollow glass microspheres by air pressure.

This standard is applicable to the determination of isostatic compressive strength of inorganic powder hollow beads with spherical shape and diameter less than 1000 microns.


For the original text, please refer to the "Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China" No. 83 of 2014. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 303 industrial standard announcements such as "Industrial Polyphosphoric Acid", and Annex 1: 303 industrial standard numbers, names, main contents and other lists. Doc, item 195.